This post is just tracking the growth and change in our Square Foot Garden
This is our 2nd year at trying the square foot garden concept. It is fun figuring out what works and does not. Light and plant sizes have a large impact.
My wife bought the book at a used book store and here is the website if you would like to learn more
The raised bed is an 8 ft. x 4 ft bed with one foot squares.
We planted green beans on the north side, lettuce on the left front side, peppers under the milk jugs and cucumbers on the bottom right under the tomato cage. We had to add some netting to keep the birds and squirrels off the lettuce and pepper plants.
Starting to eat the lettuce.
It does not take long for the garden to grow crazy.
One of the nice things about the square foot garden is that it help you limit how much you plant and gives some ideas on spacing.